Why are women more likely to suffer from headache and migraine than men?

Why are women more likely to suffer from headache and migraine than men?

It’s been reported by The Neurological Foundation of NZ that 18% of women and 12% of men experience migraine headaches. A recent article published in the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical therapy, discusses the disparity of cervical muscle strength, between men and women. Men often have stronger neck muscles which provide stability of the vertebrae and protect against injuries such as whiplash and concussion. Women have weaker neck muscles and often an imbalance exists between the flexors (front muscles) and extensors (back muscles). It has been reported that the strength of the neck flexors should equal that of the extensors to protect the neck from injury.

As well as weaker neck muscles, forward head posture is more common in women. This type of posture causes a lot of biomechanical changes to the neck joints and muscles. The deep neck stabiliser muscle group becomes weaker and lengthened with the poking chin posture, while the sub occipital muscles at the base of the skull become shortened and tight. The sub occipital muscles have the highest number of muscle spindles per gram of muscle in the body and play a large role transmitting information about the neck directly to the brainstem.. For this reason it is thought they play a major role in brainstem sensitisation, which is the underlying cause of primary and secondary headache.

At the Headache and Migraine Clinic, we take your posture seriously. You will learn how to correct your forward head posture and strengthen your neck muscles for a healthy headache free neck.t all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Written By Nicky Collins